Thursday, November 6, 2008

Lessons from strangers

Last fall, I met a woman at a restaurant. I was not having a good day, but for some reason she smiled at me. I noticed her coat, which was long and colorful and lovely and complimented her on it. She immediately urged me to try it on. I resisted at first, but she was persistent and I gave in. It really was lovely and I did a spin. Anyhow, the woman was one of those exceptionally good listeners who immediately takes interest in others and asks the right questions. She was a total stranger but she exuded something maternal almost professorial, without any of the condescending baggage. Anyhow, we got into a conversation about international affairs, and I admitted that despite being a first generation American with European and African heritage, I still felt my knowledge of world affairs was limited. So, the woman, I think her name was Asha, told me that she worked for the UN. She mentioned a few books that I might read and told me about the JCC, the Jewish Cultural Center, which I assume she has some affiliation with. Anyhow, it was through her that I heard about the Other Israel Film Festival. The festival focused on Arabs living in Israel and the films were a mix of contemporary movies and documentaries. I decided to invite my mother and we went to see "Behind the Walls." The movie was filmed in the 60s or 70s and shared an incredibly powerful message. The story was about two rival prison gangs, Arab and an Israeli, led by two very angry and bitter men. Anyway, as it turns out the prison guards themselves were fueling the animosity between the two groups and once that was discovered well... it gets more interesting. I definitely recommend the film. After the credits had rolled, one of the actors, who played the leader of the Israeli gang, who must be now in his 70s or 80s came into the theater and spoke about Arab-Israeli relations at the time the film was made and today. Neither my mom nor I knew there was going to be a guest, no less the leading actor, and we found the whole thing very moving. He was witty and thoughtful and wise. Not having any relatives in the middle east I can imagine it was even more powerful for others in the room. Anyhow, we are going back tonight to the opening night of the JCC film festival gala and i'm excited to see what this next film can teach us.

Other Israel: Past Festivals: 2007 Films

2008 films

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Brooklyn, New York, United States
Things you should know. I like to write, box, nap, read and be read to--mostly fiction, the kind of books that play like movies in your head, whether awake or asleep. I need at least a couple spoonfuls of organic crunchy peanut butter each day to function. Every, every day. And to answer your question(s): half-full, dogs, mornings, summers, and more than one. I write for findingDulcinea. (Header photo: pixonomy Flickr photostream/CC)

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