Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Best part of my day

I went to the park in the rain. It was empty. There were no asian brides, (Sorry but it's only ever asian brides.Not sure why.) no moms with strollers, no artists, no girls lying out in bikinis, no pensive writer types stooped over notebooks, no photographers, no dozing hipsters. Normally I can enjoy the scene. It's interesting to me. But yesterday it was just me, the rain, and the tide coming in on the rocks. Just for a few minutes. And I loved it.

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Brooklyn, New York, United States
Things you should know. I like to write, box, nap, read and be read to--mostly fiction, the kind of books that play like movies in your head, whether awake or asleep. I need at least a couple spoonfuls of organic crunchy peanut butter each day to function. Every, every day. And to answer your question(s): half-full, dogs, mornings, summers, and more than one. I write for findingDulcinea. (Header photo: pixonomy Flickr photostream/CC)

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